Rose of the Week – 'Renae' Part 2
Sweet Peas Part 4– Volunteers

Sweet Peas Part 3– An opulent lift


Rose bouquets often need support. Support? You know, like humans, they can sometimes use a lift. Sweet peas are an opulent ‘lift’ for both roses and people. How would you like to be held up by sweet peas? Roses love it– and from what I’m told people do too.

In the teapot above,
a handful of sweet peas prepares a place for ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ roses. Note the leafy sweet pea tips– they’re a nice addition to the mix.


‘Royal White’ sweet peas add ruffles to ‘Pilgrim’ roses. 


For a multi-multi-color experience, ‘Orange Streamer’ and ‘Lilac Ripple’ sweet peas filled the enamel pitcher, then at least seven different colored roses were added.



OK, I had wonderful sweet peas and a million roses to work with, but when it came time to make the following white bouquets, I lost my touch. At least “the touch” that makes me feel good about what I’ve created. Rather than not show the pictures, I thought why not share?

It starts with how I placed the sweet peas in the white rectangular vase above. I simply put the bouquet that I gathered in my hand (directly from the garden), into the container and spread it out a little. I approach many bouquets like this, but I finally learned that sweet peas express themselves better if a good number of the stems are placed in one at a time, and allowed to overlap the vase more freely. If I had done that, I would have probably placed the roses more artfully, as well. 


The resulting bouquet is rather stiff, and those incredible roses are just sitting there.

Mc-coy vase bouquet

It took me awhile to realize my blunder. I even made another stiff bouquet with the same flowers, this time in the McCoy vase above. It’s all rather funny now, but it's small details like this that often make a big difference. My goal is always to give flowers (roses) the best means of expression.



A close-up of the McCoy vase bouquet rescued me from my silliness– I like how this picture turned out.

One last sweet pea post is coming up soon, this color is a hint.
