Blogging, patchwork, memories . . .
Happenstance Rose

Orange Ovation

2 Persimmons

Angel Trumpet-brugmansia

Monkey Paw Flower

Orange Dahlia

Canna Leaves

Pincushion Plant

Pat Austin Rose


O v a t i o n Origin early 16th century: from the Latin ovatio(n-), from ovare 'exult' [exultation] from the mid 17th to early 19th century.


The hoped-for clever writer in me tapped ovation for inclusion in this post's title, because it's a zingy, positive word, and what else, it starts with an O. Unsure of its appropriateness, I consulted Webster. He told me ovation is the same as exultation. Good going– thanks Daniel!

Five of these orange shots were taken on the afternoon of the purple dahlia post. In a two-hour span, I photographed stunning plants that took blood, sweat, and centuries to reach today's gardeners. While writing R is for Rose, I learned about plant hunters, and it occurred to me that you might enjoy three entertaining reads that I discovered. Reading for pleasure, and learing at the same time, are the best, don't you think? Earthly Joys and Virgin Earth are historical novels, by the inimitable Philippa Gregory, about the John Tradescants, father and son gardeners to English kings, as well as plant seekers in the new world. The Land of the Blue Poppies: The Collected Plant-Hunting Writings of Frank Kingdon Ward has riveting tales of Ward's adventures in China.


Photos from the top: Fuju persimmons; brugmansia 'Angel's Trumpet'; dahlia; monkey paws; canna;  pincushion plant; 'Pat Austin' rose; orange.

PS Exalting, through photos, is, was, and always will be one of my aims.
