Hallow or haunted ?
The Sun Behind the Sun


Photography Still-Life

Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.
~Kahlil Gibran

Yesterday morning, after a photo frenzy with some rose buds, I looked at the kitchen counter. The formica expanse had a cluster of the week's vases, ready for putting away. Shoot it- I thought- don't move anything- no styling.

As I clicked, I plunged into a rapture of gratitude for loving photography. Later, when I looked at the shots, I liked one and thought- why not post just the one photo and find a gratitude quote for it?

As the day progressed with more photography, blog reading, and photo processing, it occurred to me that it would be fun, and a challenge, to post something everyday in November. 

Happy November 1st!

