Finding Rose Hearts
I need nothing but God's mercy.
I go through life in a drunken stupor.
O you strangely lightening reality--
--------is there an amphora
for my few drops of oil of rose?
~Edith Sodergran 1892-1923(tr. by David McDuff)
While working on today's post, it wasn't jelling at all, and then there were the meatballs to make, the curtain rod to buy, the blouse to iron . . . not to mention all those other digital projects I haven't even started. I gave up on my "cute" idea, with nothing else in mind. Then I remembered white roses in an old folder titled "Victor," and opened it. These beauties laid in wait. Out of twenty images, I picked the top one, prepped it, popped it in the blog, and then clicked the preview button for a look. What did I find? You tell me. Can you see it?
Believe it or not these are florist roses. Not bad huh? The first image inspired a composite of six more.