Sweet Peas and Roses
Lady Hillingdon Climbing Rose

Vina Banks or Purezza ?


While archiving rose photos that I've taken in public gardens, I usually end up at helpmefind.com for questions I need answered. I've been there many times since my return from the Sacramento Open Garden. Take the powerful froth of a rose pictured here– it's labeled at the cemetery as 'Vina Banks', but some people think it's 'Purezza'. So I looked up both names to see if their pictures would help the identification dilemma. They didn't I'm afraid, but I'll upload these pictures (yes you can upload too) to HMF to see if they might help any sleuths out there. This is also a plug to support helpmefind. As of today, I'm good for another year.

This rose was spectacular beyond measure, but afternoon heat and sheer laziness kept me from doing it justice in the photo department. I thought I could sit down with my macro and get the images I wanted.

Hybrid-BanksiaMy friend, Mary, took better pictures than me and with a point-and-shoot camera. I didn't realize I was in the picture too. Look past me though, and see what a magical sight this rose is, from a distance.
And there's another white climber in the background, which is such a brilliant landscaping idea for maximizing the enchantment.


The rose labels at the Sacramento Cemetery are the best. Often the bushes are so large, two or more labels make searching much easier. For photo-archivers, taking a picture of the label saves much note taking and confusion. Did I take the picture above? No, I completely forgot! This is Mary's picture. I don't have to worry though, the cemetery's wonderful volunteer rosarians are happy to help identify the roses.


