Dr Brownell Rose
Rose Posey

Deep Plum Bouquet


My wheel is in the dark!
I cannot see a spoke
Yet know its dripping feet
Go round and round.

My foot is on the Tide!
An unfrequented road --
Yet have all roads
A clearing at the end --

Some have resigned the Loom --
Some in the busy tomb
Find quaint employ --

Some with new -- stately feet --
Pass royal through the gate --
Flinging the problem back
At you and I!

~ Emily Dickinson

Searching for a darkness quote led to a murky gloom. I want light in my darkness, ED obliged.


While deadheading 'Monsieur Tillier' near the plum sweet peas this morning, all the nearby blooms urged a gathering, and one thing led to another. The garden rules– aquilegia, sweet peas, nigella, 'Violette' roses, cream California poppies, and one sprig of purple vetch, that escaped my pull.



