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July 2010

Village Maid Rose


.  .  .  lived their great moments of creation.

~ Mary Webb

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My friend, Jean Vieth, gave me Village Maid.

Friend, Pamela Temple, asked, "Carolyn, do you know Mary Webb, have you read Precious Bane?"

She found the book for me, and sent me home with it. Eventually I read all Webb's books, and wrote down a line here and there when I could tear myself from the story.

Thanks to our love for roses.

Rose de Rescht


Smelling the scent that is better than all.

~ Mary Webb

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All it took was a three-inch tall bronze vase to carry the photographer away. Her rare roses, one at a time, soon found themselves posing in the confines of cool, smooth metal–– for the sake of beauty, and a visual record. 

This week, they'll appear one-a-day.

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Rose de Rescht is used in the Bulgarian perfume trade.



Spider Mites


The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.

~ Seneca


The Nevada blooms in these images are definitely in prosperity mode, but as I write, dust, two phases of growth, hot-cold weather, and spider mites have kicked her into the calamity club. Nevada-Rose

Yes I said spider mites, and I'm also the one who recently said in a huge bug post that I've never had to deal with them.  Well I do now, and on more than one rose. For the past two days I've been in furious hard-spraying mode, with water.


I happened to spray them both days in the late afternoon, and each morning, they greeted me with a chorus of gratitude. I swear I could feel and almost hear it. Do you know what I mean ? ? And some of them seemed to grow overnight.

Roses take adversity in stride–– don't worry, be happy seems to be their mantra.


I had to include this image that I cropped the bud from. Tell me, don't you think the bloom in the background is looking out for the buds urging them on ?  Go ahead, call me corny-- and have a lovely Saturday and Sunday.


July 10, 2010