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June 2012

A Very Special Rose Garden


However much we may learn of chlorophyl, chromogen, and colour-cells – the pigments of nature that are made from the earth and rain, air and sun,


Pamela Temple rose garden 1

somewhere in the dark habitation of the roots and the airy galleries of the leaves – we do not know why the same ingredients clothe one petal with flame and another with blue.


Pamela Temple rose garden 2

Colour, like fragrance, is intimately connected with light; and between the different rays of the spectrum and the colour-cells of plants there is a strange telepathy. 



These processes, so little explored, seem in their deep secrecy and earthly spirituality more marvelous than the most radient visions of the mystics.

 From The Spring of Joy by Mary Webb

Pamela Temple rose garden

These images are taken in the treasured Northern California garden of Pamela Temple. I've had some of my life's happiest moments amongst its many roses. I often dream of being there.


Many thanks always Pamela !


Neutral in Name Only


The roses all chose me at some point, and now choosing them for color (and heart), couldn't be more fun.


Ivory rose




Buff beauty rose heart








Hand blown glass marble


It was a good place for getting lost in, a city no one ever knew, a city explored from the neutral heart outward, until after many years, it defined itself into a jumble of clearings separated by stretches of the unknown, through which the narrowest of paths had been cut.

V. S. Naipaul 




The poppy seeds remind me of the seeds ready for gathering in the garden now- orlaya, nigella, California poppy. . .



The first rose is anonymous; Anna's macaroons; Buff Beauty rose heart; fairy crown that once twirled around white roses; the exquisite Dr. Brownell HT; hand blown glass marble; poppy seeds.    





The Purple Color


He wrapped himself in quotations - as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors. 

~ Rudyard Kipling 



For awhile, I'm going to be color-wrapping the blog with photos from the past.



Recently while studying the images from my first blog, I was drawn to gather them into little color groupings. They looked new, fresh, meaningful, presentable. So why not share them again? Hope you enjoy!








Purple in the Garden 

Purple garden flowers

This glorious color is welcome almost everywhere in my garden, even in the color blocked rose beds. Click here for names and more plant suggestions in lavenders and purples.