Fall in Our Garden
I took these pictures two weeks ago, and got this post ready that day. However I didn't think I had processed the images well enough, so I decided not to share it. Today they look pretty good though. I'd rather be posting a Christmas blog, but will do that tomorrow-- enjoy!
People talk about planning gardens for fall color. I can't say I do that, but wait a minute . . .
Sunday morning I walked home to our happy corner of the world- took note and grabbed my camera.
Here's one of our new gates. The arch has a coat of primer- I'm not sure what color it will be. My dad built both arches some years ago, and they now enclose more area from deer. We call this Bob's Garden as a memorial for my dad who died last November.
Would you know there's more than 300 roses in the surroundings? I think the companion plantings do a pretty good job as the roses begin their slumber.
This vew is from the behind the scenes catch-all area.
Inside the front fenced area here's the table I often prep roses on. Leaves and thorns litter the grass from harvesting the season's last roses for pictures.
This is the back garden- you may have noticed there are maple leaves in all these pictures- below is the culprit- a giant weed (silver maple).
Another new gate appears in the background.
Still blooming.