Thanks, Rose Hybridizers!
From Our Fall Rose Garden

Rose Days

I've made a point lately to harvest and photograph the day's roses. In the process, I hope to be surpised and inspired by them. 


On Monday they seemed to arrange themselves by color.











Colour, like fragrance, is intimately connected with light; and between the different rays of the spectrum and the colour-cells of plants there is a strange telepathy. These processes, so little explored, seem in their deep secrecy and earthly spirituality more marvellous than the most radiant visions of the mystics.

~Mary Webb, "The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing"


I looked for a quote about color in my usual place and found nothing. Then I remembered this exquisite book given to me by Pamela Temple. I opened it randomly to page 47, which was titled THE BEAUTY OF COLOUR (!)

