Rose Bouquet Gathering of Royalty
Signs of Spring in My California Garden 2016

Perle d'Or – an A+ Rose

The Perle d'Or roses were looking so gorgeous – I thought they might look nice in new container, courtesy of Castlevetrano olives.


I liked the graceful, oversized jar the olives came in.



I tried them this way and that . . . and added a sprig of Jeanne La Joie roses.



Little did I know that this would be my last rose bouquet of 2015! A few days later we had an early freeze and the roses made their farewell.


Perle-d'or-rose-shrub copy

Perle d'Or is a Polyantha rose that blooms and blooms in carefree beauty. The shrub will grow up to 6 feet or more and is without disease in my California garden.





