Most modern roses are readily available after a Google search. But what about the rare hard- to-find heritage roses, also known as ‘old roses’? Many of these roses are featured on my blog,, but they are difficult to source. The nurseries on this list offer a dazzling array of treasured roses, and they are passionate about their collections. You’ll also find fascinating stories, bios, and info as you research the websites. Enjoy! And “gather ye rosebuds...”
Angel Gardens: Owner Pam Greenewald specializes in rare and unique antique roses as well as modern roses. Inventory changes daily, so if you see a rose is out of stock give Pam a call. Alachua, Florida, 352 359-1133,
The Antique Rose Emporium: Earth-Kind, Pioneer, and old garden roses on their own roots in two-gallon containers. Mail order, wholesale, and retail. Brenham, Texas, 800 441-0002,
A Reverence for Roses: Heritage/old garden and modern roses in band pots. Holder, Florida, 352 445-1846,
Burlington Rose Nursery: This is my go-to nursery for many of the heritage roses that I grow. Their site is under construction at the moment, but a quick call to Burling for her rose list is all you need to get started. Roses on their own roots are sold in bands and gallons. Visitors are welcome by appointment only, 24865 Rd 164, Visalia, CA 93292, 559 747-3624,
Chamblee’s Rose Nursery: Container grown, own-root antique, modern, EarthKind, landscape, Griffith Buck, David Austin, and miniature roses. Shipping available September – May. Winona, Texas, 903 882-5153,
Cool Roses: Roses budded onto fortuniana rootstock– hybrid teas, mini-floras, David Austin, and Delbard Roses. West Palm Beach, Florida, 561 684-2421,
David Austin: Breeders of the English Roses. Specialist growers of old garden roses, shrub, species, climbers and modern roses. Tyler, Texas, 800 328-8893, [email protected]
Greenmantle Nursery: Heritage/old garden roses organically grown on their own roots in 2-gallon containers for a full season outdoors. Garberville, California, 707 986-7504,
Heirloom Roses: Own-root, container grown English Legend, hybrid teas, floribundas, landscape roses, miniatures, climbers, David Austin, old garden roses, Buck roses, and Heirloom's own varieties. St. Paul, Oregon, 800 820-0465,
High Country Roses: Hardy roses for tough climates include Canadian, English, shrub, floribundas, minis, climbers, species, and old garden roses. Over 250 varieties, all own root grown, and shipped in 5” pots. Denver, Colorado. 800 552-2082,
Hummingbird Roses: English, old garden, and modern roses with an emphasis on cold hardy varieties. Own root grown. Dowling, Michigan, 616 558-9563,
Northland Rosarium: Hybrid teas, floribundas, climbers, shrubs, Romantica, Griffith Buck, and old garden roses on their own roots. Spokane, Washington, 360 382-2055,
Palatine Roses: An extensive rose list includes Fairy Tale, Vigorosa, and Freelander budded on multiflora rootstock. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, 905 468-8627,
Regan Nursery: One of the largest mail order suppliers of Grade #1 bare root roses in North America. I have shopped their vast and thrilling collection, in person, for years. Fremont, California, 510 797-3222,
Rogue Valley Roses: 1,500 rose varieties from all classes include Paul Barden exclusives. There are also roses from the Ashdown Collection, the Fineschi garden, Ralph Moore, Kordes, and Delbard. They ship their entire stock of roses, grown from cuttings, on their own roots, year-round, in three pot sizes. Medford, Oregon, 541 535-1307,
Roses of Yesterday and Today: Bare root old garden roses and selected modern roses, available for shipping January – April. Own root in one gallon pots shipped year-round. 831 728-1901,
Rose Petals Nursery: This mail order nursery specializes in old garden roses grown on their own roots in one-gallon pots. The Bermuda Mystery Roses are also available here. Newberry, Florida, 352 215-6399,
Roses Unlimited: Their rose collections list includes roses hybridized by Viru Viraraghavan. All roses are on their own roots. There are no pictures, but never fear, just go to to search for information on any rose you are interested in. Laurens, South Carolina, 864 682-7673,